Sunday, 13 March 2016

Pre-Exercise Nutrition

A focus on pre–exercise nutrition is most pertinent prior to exercise sessions greater than 60 – 90 minutes in duration. However, for any form of exercise. Pre-exercise eating should address the following criteria:
Adequate Fuel.
  • The regular training diet should ensure adequate stores of muscle glycogen prior to an exercise session.
  • Any pre–exercise food should be highly carbohydrate, and low fat, (example breakfast cereal + skim milk + fruit, muffins + jam, toast + canned spaghetti, banana roll).
Adequate Hydration.
  • Fluids should be consumed regularly in the lead up to training to ensure adequate hydration.
  • Water is the ideal food.
  • Consume 500 ml of fluid, 1 hour before training.
  • Intake should not be excessive so as to cause discomfort whilst training.
  • For events greater than one hour in duration, 2 – 5 Litres of fluid should be consumed on the previous day.
Avoid Stomach Discomfort.
  • No larger protein meals (example meets, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese) should be eaten within 4 hours prior to major exercise.
  • Between 4 and 1.5 hours prior to exercise only carbohydrate foods (example fruit, fruit juice, bread, cereal) should be consumed.
  • During the 1.5 hours prior to exercise only carbohydrate fluids should be consumed (example, sweet drinks, cordial, fruit juice).
  • During the last 30 minutes prior to exercise water is the most appropriate, if desired.
  • Experiment with the type, timing and amount of food that works best for you.
Good hydration is especially important!Nutrition During Exercise1
ü  Fluids should be consumed regularly in the lead up to training to ensure adequate hydration.
ü  Water is the ideal fluid.
ü  Consume 500ml of fluid 1 hour before training.
ü  Intake should be excessive so as to cause discomfort whilst training.
ü  For events greater than one hour duration, 2-5 litres of fluid should be consumed on the previous day.
ü  No larger protein meals (e.g. meat, chicken, fish, eggs and cheese) should be eaten within four hours prior to major exercise.
ü  Between 4 and 1.5 hours prior to exercise only carbohydrate foods (e.g. fruit, fruit juice, bread and cereal) should be consumed.
ü  During the 1.5 hours prior to exercise only carbohydrate fluids should be consumed (e.g. sweet drinks, cordial and fruit juice).
ü  During the last 30 minutes prior to exercise water is the most appropriate, if desired.
ü  Students should be encouraged to experiment with the type, timing and amount of food that works best for them.

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